Mojo Rising

Jun 21

Happy Father's Day!  

There is a little golf tournament going on over here (you may have heard of it) so my husband is going to spend the day there  - assuming the weather holds up.  I am doing the ultimate sacrifice by going to his parents house without him today - I hope God is watching and is tallying up these extra points I am sure to be earning.  At least I can do a little bit of shopping before I go - very exciting - the dollar store and Walmart - but two places my husband won't step foot in.

Due to the rain and the aforementioned golf on tv all day yesterday, I was able to move forward on getting my crafty mojo back.  First we went to Lowe's and purchased a cabinet so we can move our pantry from the boiler room into the garage - necessary to make room for my new space.  Went to the diner for lunch and then sat on the couch to knit for most of the day.  As the husband napped I even got to watch some of my own tv (including Dark Knight - totally didn't get the hype) which is not a common occurrence around here.  But look, I've actually managed to cross #1 off the list!
Patterns:  Tiramisu Blanket , Matching hat (my own design I made up as I went along) and Mary Jane Skimmers.  All made with peaches and cream dishcloth cotton.  As you can see I decided to nix the bib idea and made the hat instead.  I think they all came out pretty darn cute.  Those mary janes are adorable but it was very difficult for me to get guage.  My fingertips are still sore for crocheting as tightly as I could with a D hook.  Details for all will be posted on ravelry shortly.  So on to the Helena sweater, which I've already casted on for and knit a few rows.  Taking that to the in laws to see if I can get more done.  

I'm so excited to be making progress.  In searching around blogdom I've found a few other inspirational things.  Check out this awesome collage on Michelle's blog - she stole the idea and I want to do the same - is it totally me or what?? What I can't figure out is how I can avoid buying so many different papers for just a little tiny punch.  It would be great to do a collage-along or something so a bunch of people could all share or something....I'll have to think on that one a little more.  Also, please check out the newest project from Allegra - Petite Purls.  Is it so awesome - I need to add that little Jacques to my list!  

What's been inspiring you lately?


Michelle Smiles said...

I used some of the thick-ish covers from my magazines - they add a great graphic element. I also used some of the subscription cards from inside the magazines. Magazines themselves might work but I'm not sure if the paper is thick enough. You can also buy little packets of scrapbook paper scraps (small squares) at Michael's and Hobby Lobby for a couple of dollars. If you have a friend who scrap books, getting her scraps would be awesome.

Love your idea of exchanging some papers! From buying the scrapbook paper scraps, I could stick a few pieces in the mail to you (I have duplicates) to add a little variety from what you find. Doing something like that might make for some interesting assortments of paper!

Rachael said...

Oh my goodness -- those booties are just DARLING. Oh man, I want a baby just to get some booties. And that blanket and hat are pretty sweet too.

And, I was going to say (like Michelle said) that maybe magazines would be a good source. I think I remember following Michelle's link back to her original inspiration (after I drooled over the same project) and they used pics from books and magazines too.

I have tons of scrapbook paper scraps. A swap is a great idea!!!

Bezdecny Family said...

I love those skimmers!!!

I can't get that link's picture to load...bummer.

I'm on a sewing jag right and those darn flickr pools are inspiring me!

mama k said...

ooh the booties! I have used the loafer pattern myself from the same designer I'm guessing. Very fun.

Finn's Mom said...

Welcome to the "public" blogosphere!

I'd love to hear more about your experience with international adoption and baby #1 if you'd be willing to share one day. It's a route that DH and I are seriously considering, whether or not this ART carousel keeps spinning for us.

And you're an awe-inspiring knitter!

Zoya said...

I saw Petite Purls few days ago and love Them Apples cardigan - maybe I'll find some time to knit it before autumn. I wish I was better/faster at knitting.

Rob, Dana, Murphy and Jack! said...

Those are gorgeous! Makes me wish #2 would be another girl and I'd have you make some for me! But I'd bet money it's a boy!

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About me...

My son is adopted.  I love to knit.  I'm the breadwinner and my husband is a SAHD.  Yes, I am slightly off center from the norm.  So?